Ayrshire Rivers Trust


The Ayrshire Rivers Trust (ART) is a Scottish Registered Charity SC030426, based within the Auchincruive Campus of the Scottish Agricultural College in Ayr. ART was formed in the year 2000, and aims to reverse the significant decline in local freshwater fish stocks through improved scientific management and long-term restoration of our local rivers.

The immediate goal of the Trust was to raise sufficient funds to employ a full time biologist to begin the work. This was duly carried out, and the Trust’s first biologist began work in February 2002.10 years on the trust now employs two full-time biologists and one part-time administrator. It has become clear to the Trust that there are many opportunities to enhance the environment in and around our rivers, both to improve fish stocks, and also to bring wider biodiversity benefits, including invasive weeds and water voles.
