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Veterinarian Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue
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Admissions Officer Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation
Marine Mammal Team Leader/Research Assistant Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation
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Outdoor Learning & Play Volunteer Officer The Conservation Volunteers
Extinction of Large Animals may Worsen Climate Change
The removal of these animals from the ecosystem upsets the natural balance and leads to a loss of heavy-wooded large trees.
Read More »Turtle Species' Conservation Success
Analysis of conservation efforts in the Amazon and Orinoco basins has revealed that a total of 85 past or present projects has helped to conserve 147,000 female South American River Turtles.
Read More »X is for Xmas Birds
It is, after all, the most bird-heavy festive ditty imaginable, with not only the obvious partridges, doves, hens, swans and geese, but oblique references to blackbirds (four calling birds) and depending on source either goldfinches or pheasants (five gold rings).
Read More »Sawfish Facing Extinction
Sawfish are amongst the most threatened family of marine fishes. Overfishing and habitat destruction have resulted in many species disappearing from the coastlines of 46 countries. International conservation efforts and adequate fishing protections are required to prevent their complete extinction.
Read More »Rare Australian Bee Discovery
A bee in Australia has been discovered, after no sightings had been made of it for 100 years. However, it is extremely rare due to habitat loss and fragmentation, wildfires and climate change. It is also favours just one specific vegetation type, and with little known of its biology, time is running out to protect this native species.
Read More »Counting Elephants...From Space
A new surveying technique involving the use of satellite cameras has been used to count elephants. Automatic detection allows for vast areas to be surveyed much quicker, offering an alternative to human observers counting from low-flying planes.
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