BRinK – Biological Research Kalahari Desert Namibia


The immediate challenge in Southern Africa to protect biodiversity probably is to avoid degradation of habitats that is and was used for lifestock farming. Our ambition is to study, find solutions to protect the environment and guarantee sustainability through biological research. We use the reserve as a study site for dryland savanna. Hopefully, marginal land affords the opportunity for a win-win situation for people and nature.

Can the economic returns of sustainable farming with locally-adapted wildlife exceed the returns of cultivation or lifestock farming on marginal land like the Kalahari Desert? The restoration of the reserve Kuzikus protects arid savanna without loosing livelihoods to the people.

BRinK is an established research station to be used by scientists worldwide. BRinK and projects run by students help to monitor and study the system on a regular basis.
