Articles Tagged with “lemurs”

3 Articles found tagged with “lemurs”.

  • Pet Trade Harming Lemur Conservation

    The driving factors behind their decline include poaching for the bushmeat trade, a lack of conservation programmes and habitat destruction due to illegal logging, which is on the rise thanks to political instability and rising poverty.

    By Alex Taylor on 21st January 2015
  • The Forest Gardeners of Madagascar

    A large proportion of trees in Madagascar’s rainforest have fruits that are eaten by lemurs and for some species, lemurs are the primary or only animal that can distribute their seeds

    By Alex Taylor on 24th November 2014
  • Last of the Lemurs?

    Facing threats such as illegal logging and hunting, many species are heading towards extinction, but a new survey has revealed that the situation is far worse than previously realised and in fact, lemurs are now considered to be the most endangered group of mammals in the world.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th July 2012