A-Z of Invasive Marine Species: Undaria pinnatifida
As it was so recently introduced, we have a full chronology of its spread and there have been plenty of studies on the seaweed so a lot is known.
3 Articles found tagged with “seaweed”.
As it was so recently introduced, we have a full chronology of its spread and there have been plenty of studies on the seaweed so a lot is known.
A. armata was introduced into Europe by the importation of oysters. The harpoon weed was first detected in Algeria, 1923 and probably spread to Britain via rafting or floating. Here in the UK, the weed was first recorded in 1949 in the Bristol Channel, on the island of Lundy in the asexual phase.
It is an invasive species of seaweed in the family Codiaceae and originally from Japan.