Disappearing Snakes
Thanks to long-term data sets, scientists have been able to document the fact that a snake community plummeted following the wipe out of frogs in Panama due to an invasive fungal pathogen.
5 Articles found tagged with “snakes”.
Thanks to long-term data sets, scientists have been able to document the fact that a snake community plummeted following the wipe out of frogs in Panama due to an invasive fungal pathogen.
Researchers have discovered why the brown tree snake has become such a successful invasive species on the island of Guam, where it has devastated native bird populations.
By producing detailed maps on the distribution of the world’s reptiles, an international team of scientists has completed the ‘atlas of life’, the first global review and map of every vertebrate species on Earth.
The brown tree snake is an invasive species on Guam, and has exterminated many forest bird species. Without the birds to disperse seeds, the indirect impact of this has been to negatively affect the regeneration of trees on the island.
Although very little is know about these creatures, a lot of species appear on the ICUN Red List. Only one appears on the CITES list, the Laticauda crockeri, listed as vulnerable.