Bring Back the Lynx
Recognition of the valuable role it played here, mainly as a predator of deer, has led to calls for the lynx to be reintroduced to the UK.
7 Articles found tagged with “UK Conservation”.
Recognition of the valuable role it played here, mainly as a predator of deer, has led to calls for the lynx to be reintroduced to the UK.
The only way to ensure the survival of the dormouse, according to The Woodland Trust, is to create stronger, more resilient landscapes by planting more native trees and diverse woods, better management of these woods and by bringing back hedgerows to create wildlife corridors that connect the woods and prevents further isolation of dormice populations.
The Turtle Dove is one of England’s most threatened farmland birds. Since the 1970s, it has declined by 93% and there has been a reduction in breeding attempts from up to four per year to just one.
Public response is another; it’s not always positive because beavers are rodents and therefore rank quite low on the public popularity scale.
I could put this point forward to big businesses and funding councils but the fact of the matter is that there just isn’t enough public support.
Just when you think you really know a species, no matter how much reading you have done, wildlife always has the potential to do something surprising!
Aside from the fact that this site overlooks one of three major basking shark hotspots in the country, it is also a truly magical place to be.