Articles by Alex Taylor - Page 10

  • Owl Vs. Owl

    An in-depth study of the northern spotted owl has examined its decline in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Removal of the invasive barred owl may be one solution, in combination with long-term protection of its habitat.

    By Alex Taylor on 13th April 2019
  • Tracking Turtles with Telemetry

    A new model has been created that can forecast the location of critically endangered Eastern Pacific leatherback turtles along the coast of Central and South America. This will aid efforts to decrease bycatch mortality.

    By Alex Taylor on 9th April 2019
  • Wildlife Trade Protections Take Too Long

    Hundreds of threatened species could be at risk of extinction because the time it takes for them to get protection from CITES against the illegal wildlife trade is too slow, and does not keep up to date with scientific knowledge.

    By Alex Taylor on 8th April 2019
  • Conservation Potential of Restored Farmland

    Farmland soon to be retired in California’s San Joaquin Desert could play a crucial role in the habitat restoration and protection necessary to conserve the blunt-nosed leopard lizard and other endangered species.

    By Alex Taylor on 1st April 2019
  • Relocation Success for Rare Bird

    The critically endangered Seychelles paradise flycatcher has been successfully relocated to another island, a crucial milestone in the recovery of a bird seriously threatened by habitat loss.

    By Alex Taylor on 30th March 2019
  • UK Carnivores Make a Comeback

    There has been a remarkable comeback of many of the UK’s carnivore species, with new research showing that their population numbers have improved since the 1960s as they recover from harmful human activities that have now stopped.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th March 2019
  • Innovation in Koala-Spotting

    An innovative technology has been developed to aid koala conservation. Drones and infrared imaging are being utilised to improve spotting them through the eucalyptus trees from the air, a more reliable and less invasive technique.

    By Alex Taylor on 8th March 2019
  • Antarctic Winners and Losers

    The impacts of climate change in the Antarctic will include temperature rise, sea-ice reduction and changes in food availability. Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey used risk assessments like those used in the workplace to determine which species will benefit and which are at risk.

    By Alex Taylor on 2nd March 2019
  • Lemur Videos Fuel Demand for Pets

    New research analysing social media reactions has found that viral videos of seemingly cuddly wild animals fuels the demand for the illegal pet trade and has harmful impacts on the animals themselves and their populations in the wild.

    By Alex Taylor on 15th February 2019
  • Tourists Object to Macaque Exploitation

    It is not uncommon to see animals being exploited for tourist’s photo opportunity. Encouraging new research shows that, in Morocco, 88% of people who were surveyed object to the use of barbary macaques as photo props for ethical or animal welfare reasons.

    By Alex Taylor on 11th February 2019