Articles by Alex Taylor - Page 14

  • Canine Distemper Confirmed in Endangered Big Cat

    Infection with canine distemper virus has joined the long list of threats to the endangered Amur leopard, with the first documented case having been identified in a 2 year old female.

    By Alex Taylor on 21st July 2018
  • Boat Traffic Threatens Rare Dolphin

    Rare bottlenose dolphins in Panama’s Bocas Del Toro Archipelago are being threatened by boat traffic – scientists are now calling for them to be designated as endangered.

    By Alex Taylor on 20th July 2018
  • Hope for Rare Colobus Monkey

    The first ever range-wide population census of Zanzibar’s endemic red colobus monkey brings good news and bad.

    By Alex Taylor on 19th July 2018
  • New Threat to Forests from Palm Oil Production

    Oil palm production in Malaysia has an impact beyond the direct loss of habitat,a new study has shown. It also provides a rich food source for crop-raiding wild boars, which then multiply in big numbers and damage forest trees, preventing regeneration.

    By Alex Taylor on 18th July 2018
  • Marine Protected Areas Threatened by Ocean Warming

    The species that currently inhabit Marine Protected Areas will be unable to tolerate the rising ocean temperatures that climate change will bring, according to new research.

    By Alex Taylor on 15th July 2018
  • New Technology Assists the Protection of Primates

    New facial recognition software and an app using state-of-the-art technology can help in the fight to protect endangered primates, more than 60% of which face extinction.

    By Alex Taylor on 8th July 2018
  • Turtle Nesting Jeopardised by Microplastics

    Tiny pieces of microplastic that persist in the natural environment are accumulating along beaches surrounding the Gulf of Mexico, jeopardising the survival of loggerhead turtles.

    By Alex Taylor on 29th June 2018
  • Scientists Stunned by African Bird Decline

    A 2-year, 20,000km roadtrip across Botswana undertaken by scientists has confirmed fears that many African bird species are in rapid decline.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th June 2018
  • British Mammals Extinction Risk

    A report launched by The Mammal Society and Natural England is the first comprehensive review of British mammals for 20 years. It found almost one in five species face a high risk of extinction.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th June 2018
  • Protected Areas Under Threat

    An alarming new study has reported that one third of all the world’s protected areas are now under intense pressure from human activity.

    By Alex Taylor on 3rd June 2018