Articles Tagged with “dolphins”

7 Articles found tagged with “dolphins”.

  • Endangered Vaquita Still Genetically Healthy

    The vaquita is the world’s rarest marine mammal. Gillnet fisheries have caused them to become entangled in the nets, and has resulted in their numbers dropping to fewer than 20 individuals. However, there is still hope as one new study has proven that they exhibit few signs of inbreeding or other problems of small populations.

    By Alex Taylor on 1st July 2021
  • Boat Traffic Threatens Rare Dolphin

    Rare bottlenose dolphins in Panama’s Bocas Del Toro Archipelago are being threatened by boat traffic – scientists are now calling for them to be designated as endangered.

    By Alex Taylor on 20th July 2018
  • Peru’s Mystery Deaths

    As officials investigate the deaths, the Peruvian health ministry has recommended that people stay away from the country’s beaches.

    By Alex Taylor on 16th May 2012
  • New Sanctuaries for Freshwater Dolphins

    Two freshwater dolphin species in Bangladesh, the vulnerable Irrawaddy River dolphin and the endangered Ganges River dolphin, have recently been granted three new sanctuaries for their protection.

    By Alex Taylor on 7th March 2012
  • Do Dolphins Mourn Their Dead?

    A new report suggests that dolphins (like chimpanzees and elephants) may feel similar emotions to humans, specifically regarding a sense of ‘family’ and deep grief for the loss of a loved one.

    By Guest Bloggers on 2nd December 2011
  • Dolphin and Porpoise Marine Protected Areas

    They may be competing for the same food or they may occupy the same niche. It is also thought that maybe the dolphins use the porpoises to practice fighting and catching prey, but the scientists that study this behaviour are no closer to agreeing on an answer.

    By Amy Featherstone on 14th November 2011