Articles Tagged with “Environment”

9 Articles found tagged with “Environment”.

  • Green Turtles Eat Plastic that Looks Like Food

    It may seem obvious but it has now been scientifically proven that green turtles eat plastic that closely resembles sea grass, their preferred food. This research is important, as it shows what kind of plastic pollution is a particular problem.

    By Alex Taylor on 11th October 2019
  • Imminent Bumblebee Extinction

    The American bumblebee is an important pollinator of Canada’s food crops and trees and shrubs. However, long-term data has shown that it is facing imminent local extinction.

    By Alex Taylor on 11th May 2019
  • British Mammals Extinction Risk

    A report launched by The Mammal Society and Natural England is the first comprehensive review of British mammals for 20 years. It found almost one in five species face a high risk of extinction.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th June 2018
  • Impact of Lions on Falling Giraffe Populations

    In a first study of its kind, the impact of lions on giraffe populations has been researched. Findings indicate that lions reduce calf survival, which has implications for giraffe conservation and how their populations are managed in the wild.

    By Alex Taylor on 18th February 2018
  • Plastic Pollution Causing Marine Turtle Deaths

    A worldwide survey has revealed that hundreds of marine turtles are dying each year because they are becoming entangled in rubbish in our oceans and on our beaches.

    By Alex Taylor on 11th February 2018
  • Renewed Fears of Tiger Extinction

    A research expedition to Sumatra has found that well-protected forests on the island are disappearing and becoming increasingly fragmented, leading to renewed fears of the extinction of the Sumatran tiger.

    By Alex Taylor on 14th January 2018
  • Manatees Facing a Safe Future

    A new report has concluded that Florida’s manatees are likely to persist for the next 100 years despite facing continued threats, providing that wildlife managers continue to protect these iconic mammals and their habitat.

    By Alex Taylor on 24th April 2017
  • Fish Evolve to Avoid Fishing

    New research supports the creation of more marine reserves that are protected from fishing activities, as it has been discovered that fish can evolve to be more cautious and avoid fishing nets.

    By Alex Taylor on 2nd April 2017