Articles Tagged with “puffins”

4 Articles found tagged with “puffins”.

  • Triple Threat to Seabirds

    Extreme weather, predation and human disturbance are all threats to sea birds up and down the UK coastline.

    By Alex Taylor on 10th September 2014
  • P is for: Pipits

    I don’t know what unusual super power ‘meadow’ would suggest, but collectively pipits do seem to possess the power of invisibility: the phrase ‘little brown job’ may well have been invented to describe pipits.

    By Chris Foster on 20th August 2012
  • Saving Marine Wildlife

    It comes down to a chain reaction: as the sea has warmed, plankton communities have shifted north, radically changing the species composition of the North Sea.

    By Chris Foster on 11th October 2011
  • Plenty of Puffins

    Most people go to see puffins. The bird for people who don’t even like birds: with their clown-like technicolour beaks and comedy routines, nobody could fail to be won over.

    By Chris Foster on 27th September 2011