
  • Rare Australian Bee Discovery

    A bee in Australia has been discovered, after no sightings had been made of it for 100 years. However, it is extremely rare due to habitat loss and fragmentation, wildfires and climate change. It is also favours just one specific vegetation type, and with little known of its biology, time is running out to protect this native species.

    By Alex Taylor on 9th July 2021
  • Empathy for Insects

    Entomologists are calling for greater research and science-based community actions to save insects. They say specific legislation is required to preserve the incredible diversity of insects, as well as addressing the huge gaps in our knowledge.

    By Alex Taylor on 20th July 2019
  • Asian Elephants Avoid Bees

    For the first time, research has shown that Asian elephants are scared of honey bees. Like their counterparts in Africa, they respond with alarm, a finding that will help resolve conflict between humans and crop-raiding elephants.

    By Alex Taylor on 21st March 2018
  • Late-Nesting Birds and Bees Face Habitat Threat

    Birds and bumblebees that nest late in the year are suffering more from the destruction of habitat. As habitats disappear across the world, fewer nest sites results in greater competition, and species declines.

    By Alex Taylor on 18th June 2017
  • Bumblebee Under Protection

    The rusty patched bumblebee now has protection under the US Endangered Species Act, after threats such as habitat loss has caused an 87% decline in numbers since the 1990s.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th January 2017
  • Honey Bee Colony Losses

    Honey bee losses reinforce what sciences continues to tell us; we must take immediate action to restrict pesticides contributing to bee declines.

    By Alex Taylor on 24th May 2016
  • Polli:Nation

    ‘Free’ pollination by bees and other insects is worth over £400m** to UK agriculture each year but their numbers are in severe decline. This innovative project will engage 260 schools to help transform their grounds into pollinator-friendly habitats.

    By Guest Bloggers on 27th July 2015
  • Bees using plastic waste to build hives

    Researchers discovered that two solitary bee species in Canada are using polyurethane and polyethelene-based plastics in the formation and closing of their brood cells.

    By Grace Dickins on 19th March 2014
  • Ants: the most complex of the pests.

    They evolved from a vespoid wasp and have lost their permanent wings, however most species will develop into winged insects when it is time to mate.

    By Richard Hassall on 15th May 2012