Climate Change - Page 8

  • Tropical Birds Feel the Heat of Climate Change

    The wide range of numbers on future possible extinctions is because of the many decisions about climate change that must still be made that could affect the outcome, such as will carbon reductions mitigate temperature rises?

    By Alex Taylor on 28th March 2012
  • How far can a polar bear swim?

    Evolution is an amazing thing and perhaps one day people will look back on these studies to demonstrate just how astonishing it can be.

    By Richard Hassall on 20th March 2012
  • Koala Vaccine

    Climate change, habitat loss, collisions with cars and domestic dog attacks have all resulted in koalas being pushed into smaller and smaller regions of the country.

    By Alex Taylor on 14th March 2012
  • Step Away From The Car: The Dilemma of a Roving Conservationist

    While those working in cities often can (and should) turn to organised reliable public transport, almost everyone I know living in rural areas relies heavily on their car for the commute, the school run and getting out to visit friends.

    By Guest Bloggers on 22nd December 2011
  • World Set for Extreme Weather Conditions

    Scientific models also show that it is ‘very likely’ (a term defined by the IPCC as a 90%-100% probability) that the “length, frequency and/or intensity of warm spells or heat waves will increase over most land areas”

    By Guest Bloggers on 16th December 2011
  • Nature’s Broken Calendar

    Through analysis of these events it is becoming apparent that spring is arriving earlier and autumn later. This could pose a problem for many animals that rely on the punctuality of significant events.

    By Richard Hassall on 6th December 2011
  • Jellyfish Contribute to Climate Change

    Climate change has already had an influence on marine populations, but is it possible these same populations are in turn altering the climate?

    By Guest Bloggers on 26th September 2011