
  • Fish Stock Modelling Inspired by Social Media

    Mathematical modelling inspired by technology used by social media to document people’s social media interactions is identifying the significant impacts of warming seas, particularly in winter, on the world’s fisheries.

    By Alex Taylor on 5th July 2021
  • Tracking Turtles

    Scientists have used innovative ways to track female loggerhead turtles. The data reveals that return to the same nesting beaches to lay eggs year after year, therefore, these key locations should be a focus for conservation efforts.

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd February 2020
  • Lights on Fishing Nets Saves Lives

    Placing LED lights along the top of floating gillnets (fishing nets that have notoriously high levels of bycatch) reduces the chances of dolphins and turtles being caught accidentally. And, they do not reduce the catch for fishermen.

    By Alex Taylor on 20th December 2019
  • Mediterranean Fish Susceptible to Climate Change

    European freshwater fish will be strongly affected by climate change. A new study has shown that species from the Mediterranean region are at high risk, with fish from extreme habitats characterised by heat and drought particularly vulnerable.

    By Alex Taylor on 15th April 2019
  • Bycatch Responsible for Decline of Sea Lion

    Scientists studying the decline of the New Zealand sea lion have linked it to commercial fisheries bycatch around their breeding colonies on the Auckland Islands, which has previously been assumed to be only a minor threat.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th November 2017
  • Fish Evolve to Avoid Fishing

    New research supports the creation of more marine reserves that are protected from fishing activities, as it has been discovered that fish can evolve to be more cautious and avoid fishing nets.

    By Alex Taylor on 2nd April 2017
  • Ensuring the Resilience of Seagrass Meadows

    Learning to manage the habitats and biodiversity within our oceans and coasts is one of the greatest challenges of this century.

    By Guest Bloggers on 18th September 2015
  • Super Predators

    Not only do we kill animals at far higher rates than other predators, we hunt in ways that are particularly destructive.

    By Alex Taylor on 1st September 2015
  • International Plans To Reduce Global Fisheries Crime

    Whilst jail sentences and fines do already exist to discourage illegal activity, it is hoped this working group will help better enforce law at an international level.

    By Grace Dickins on 10th February 2014
  • Leatherbacks and Longlines

    One of the greatest threats to the survival of leatherback turtles is industrial longline fishing.

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd January 2014