Articles Tagged with “Blog” - Page 7

69 Articles found tagged with “Blog”.

  • Bycatch Responsible for Decline of Sea Lion

    Scientists studying the decline of the New Zealand sea lion have linked it to commercial fisheries bycatch around their breeding colonies on the Auckland Islands, which has previously been assumed to be only a minor threat.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th November 2017
  • Neotropical Parrot Populations Under Threat

    A recent study has discovered that more than 38% of Neotropical parrot populations on the American continent are under threat of extinction, and human activities such as hunting for the local and international trade and habitat loss are to blame.

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd October 2017
  • Biding Time Could Improve Conservation

    An innovative new study has challenged the current orthodoxy in conservation by suggesting that delays in the spending of funds could actually improve the benefits gained from the money and therefore protect more species.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th September 2017
  • A New Approach to Habitat Corridors

    A new study documents a plan to save endangered carnivores in the increasingly isolated forests of northeastern Argentina. The study explores the options for mitigating the impact of human encroachment using corridors to connect vital habitats.

    By Alex Taylor on 13th September 2017
  • Hot Dogs

    Climate change may be harming the future of one of the world’s most endangered predators – the African wild dog. As they spend less time hunting on days with higher temperatures, less food is brought back to feed the pups and their survival declines.

    By Alex Taylor on 23rd July 2017
  • Manatees Facing a Safe Future

    A new report has concluded that Florida’s manatees are likely to persist for the next 100 years despite facing continued threats, providing that wildlife managers continue to protect these iconic mammals and their habitat.

    By Alex Taylor on 24th April 2017
  • Hunting A Major Threat

    For the first time, hunting-induced declines in animal populations have been analysed. This new research discovered that hunting is a major threat to wildlife, particularly in the tropics.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th April 2017
  • Fish Evolve to Avoid Fishing

    New research supports the creation of more marine reserves that are protected from fishing activities, as it has been discovered that fish can evolve to be more cautious and avoid fishing nets.

    By Alex Taylor on 2nd April 2017