Just what is causing the decline of UK Willow Tits?
Of all the species monitored by the BBS, the Willow Tit showcased the greatest decline; 77% between 1994 – 2007
7 Articles found tagged with “endangered”.
Of all the species monitored by the BBS, the Willow Tit showcased the greatest decline; 77% between 1994 – 2007
The leading country in the online trade is China, where 18,590 animal products were found on sale, nearly 78% of which were ivory products.
Floating plastic debris is ingested either directly, because the birds believe them to be food items, or indirectly by eating prey that has plastic in their stomach. The result of plastic ingestion is entanglement, ulcers, infections and death to many marine animals.
Michigan State University (MSU) have recently discovered that livestock, horses in particular, are a significant threat to pandas.
The Red List does highlight some great conservation successes, but the IUCN is clear that the message remains bleak.
The only way to ensure the survival of the dormouse, according to The Woodland Trust, is to create stronger, more resilient landscapes by planting more native trees and diverse woods, better management of these woods and by bringing back hedgerows to create wildlife corridors that connect the woods and prevents further isolation of dormice populations.
Facing threats such as illegal logging and hunting, many species are heading towards extinction, but a new survey has revealed that the situation is far worse than previously realised and in fact, lemurs are now considered to be the most endangered group of mammals in the world.