Articles Tagged with “Europe”

6 Articles found tagged with “Europe”.

  • Wildcats Recover But Remain Threatened by Domestic Cousins

    European wildcats have recolonised part of their former territory in the Jura mountains of Switzerland. However, models of interactions between them and domestic cats show that hybridisation will result in the true wildcat species being lost in just a few hundred years.

    By Alex Taylor on 7th January 2021
  • Europe takes action over burning on SPAs

    The European commission now look set to begin a full infraction procedure over what it sees as a direct breach of the EU habitats directive with the UK failing to protect its vulnerable blanket bogs.

    By James Common on 1st May 2016
  • Bonelli’s Eagle: Needs Good Neighbours

    The population of the Bonelli’s Eagle is experiencing a decreasing population trend. It is most at risk in western Europe and is one of France’s most threatened species.

    By Alex Taylor on 16th October 2013
  • Damning Report Fuels Zoo Debate

    The assessment of 200 zoos in the twenty countries that were subject to separate investigations revealed that no country was without fault.

    By Alex Taylor on 9th May 2012
  • Irish Hare Threatened by Invasion

    It has been present in Ireland since before the last glacial maximum, making it one of Ireland’s few native mammal species.

    By Alex Taylor on 4th April 2012
  • Discards: Millions of Fish Could be Saved in One Year

    The EU estimates that 40-60% of fish caught in the North Sea will be discarded, however, we will never know the real number because there are no records kept for discarded fish, it could be more or it could be less.

    By Richard Hassall on 27th March 2012