Articles by James Common

James Common

James is a naturalist, conservationist and nature writer from North-East England, holding a BSc in Animal Conservation Science and studying for an MSc in Wildlife Management. He runs the popular Wildlife Articles website and was recently shortlisted for the 'promise and potential' category of the Living North Awards 2016. His personal blog - CommonByNature - has won him recognition in BBC Wildlife Magazine, as well as numerous other outlets.

  • Introducing: New Nature Magazine

    The youth nature movement is a thing of beauty: rife with promise, potential, quirky characters and, of course, phenomenal talent. It is, however, lacking one thing: a media platform to promote, support and provide opportunities for the young people at its helm.

    By James Common on 13th December 2016
  • Our Amphibians are in trouble, and they need you.

    You would be forgiven for thinking, that given the somewhat exotic nature of species lost already, that this was, in fact, a tropical problem, though you would be wrong. And Britain’s amphibians too find themselves in hot water.

    By James Common on 7th November 2016
  • Autumnal Wonders And Where To See Them

    Autumn is a season like no other; one of colour, action and perpetual movement. A season which I cherish above all others, which marks the start of a number of subliminal wild spectacles, as many species begin preparations for the winter

    By James Common on 10th October 2016
  • New campaign sparks controversy over the shooting of wading birds

    This past week saw the launch of a new petition. One calling for a moratorium on the shooting of critically declining species of wading birds, such Snipe, Golden Plover and Woodcock, in the UK. Stopping short of calling for an all-out ban, favouring instead a halt to the killing, during which proper research into the species declines can be undertaken. He hopes, by an independent research body.

    By James Common on 29th September 2016
  • Cats & Conservation: Some Reflections

    Following the publication of Cat Wars, a new book by American author Peter P. Marra, our feline friends have found themselves at the epicentre of a heated debate regarding their supposed ecological impact.

    By James Common on 22nd September 2016
  • Five conservation success stories from the UK

    It should be remembered that positive change is, in fact, possible. And that, when we put our minds to it, we have shown time and time again that it is possible to reverse negative trends in our wildlife populations. That through practical conservation work, changing attitudes and a healthy dose of optimism, we can make a difference. As such, and in dire need of a more upbeat topic, below I have included a list of five such success stories.

    By James Common on 14th September 2016