Animal Conservation - Page 22

  • Saving the Saiga

    Sadly, poaching remains a problem, not for food but for Chinese traditional medicine. The translucent, foot-long horns belonging to the males are ground into a powder and used for the treatment of headaches and fever, and a pound of powder can fetch US$2,000.

    By Alex Taylor on 27th November 2013
  • The Tay Beavers

    The majority of the population have been born in the wild and, as beavers can travel great distances by water, are now widespread throughout the River Tay catchment area.

    By Alex Taylor on 30th May 2012
  • Damning Report Fuels Zoo Debate

    The assessment of 200 zoos in the twenty countries that were subject to separate investigations revealed that no country was without fault.

    By Alex Taylor on 9th May 2012
  • Phil the Resident Stray

    In a westernised country as developed as the UK, you wouldn’t think stray animals were very common, but the fact is they are, and organisations like the RSPCA are constantly fighting for the welfare rights of domestic and wild animals.

    By Emily Wilson on 8th March 2012
  • A Positive Downturn?

    We need to make the most of the ambition; make it work for us. In a way it feels like behind the scenes, elements have managed to separate and create divisive lines between the conservation movement as a whole.

    By Guest Bloggers on 1st December 2011