Research - Page 15

  • Conserving Corridors Crucial to Conserving Tigers

    High traffic roads and densely populated urban areas are a severe impediment to tiger movement between their increasingly fragmented habitat. Conserving corridors between protected areas is crucial to the tiger’s long-term survival.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th February 2018
  • Plastic Pollution Causing Marine Turtle Deaths

    A worldwide survey has revealed that hundreds of marine turtles are dying each year because they are becoming entangled in rubbish in our oceans and on our beaches.

    By Alex Taylor on 11th February 2018
  • Patterns of Elephant Poaching Revealed

    Surveys carried out in Tanzania have revealed patterns of elephant poaching that will help inform future conservation action and help tackle the problem in the region.

    By Alex Taylor on 28th January 2018
  • The Illegal Wildlife Trade’s “Plant Blindness”

    The first global overview of the illegal trade in wild orchids highlights the lack of attention received by this serious conservation problem and calls for more to be done to protect the plants.

    By Alex Taylor on 14th January 2018
  • Renewed Fears of Tiger Extinction

    A research expedition to Sumatra has found that well-protected forests on the island are disappearing and becoming increasingly fragmented, leading to renewed fears of the extinction of the Sumatran tiger.

    By Alex Taylor on 14th January 2018
  • Forest Reserves Slow Down Global Warming

    Protected areas are reducing carbon emissions from tropical deforestation by a third, and are therefore slowing the rate of global warming, according to a new study.

    By Alex Taylor on 18th December 2017
  • Forest Fragmentation – Winners and Losers

    Research has shown that 85% of species are effected by forest fragmentation. While some benefit from the breaking up of forests into small isolated patches, many species lose out – often those that are most endangered.

    By Alex Taylor on 13th December 2017
  • Climate Change May Starve Bamboo Lemurs

    As the climate changes and Madagascar’s dry season gets longer, endangered greater bamboo lemurs may be forced to eat less nutritious food, and could slowly starve.

    By Alex Taylor on 11th December 2017
  • Genetic Rescue Helps Endangered Possum

    Genetic rescue, the process where inbred populations receive genes from another, healthy population, has for the first time been used to increase the population and help the future survival of the endangered mountain pygmy possum.

    By Alex Taylor on 4th December 2017