Articles Tagged with “Deforestation”

13 Articles found tagged with “Deforestation”.

  • Forest Loss Causes Biodiversity Change

    New research investigates the impacts of forest loss on species and biodiversity over time, and reveals both losses and gains in species. This highlights the far-reaching effects of forest cover loss on global biodiversity.

    By Alex Taylor on 29th December 2020
  • Deforestation Changing Communication

    A new study on how animal communication is affected by deforestation shows that male howler monkeys howl for longer in forest interiors and natural forest edges than at man-made forest edges. This is because there are fewer resources at these edges and has implications for conservation.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th January 2020
  • Combined Threats Increase Extinction Risk

    The combined threat of deforestation and wildlife exploitation has been severely underestimated for bird populations in Southeast Asia. This could lead to some species becoming extinct.

    By Alex Taylor on 7th December 2018
  • Forest Fragmentation – Winners and Losers

    Research has shown that 85% of species are effected by forest fragmentation. While some benefit from the breaking up of forests into small isolated patches, many species lose out – often those that are most endangered.

    By Alex Taylor on 13th December 2017
  • Global Threat to Primates

    With around 60% of all primates speices threatened with extinction, a new study has revealed the impact human activities have on primates, and the impact of their extinction on humans.

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd January 2017
  • An Ark for Mammals

    Mammals are one of the hardest hit groups of animals when habitat is lost through human activities.

    By Alex Taylor on 26th September 2016
  • Living on the Edge

    In the forests many species are forced to live on the edge of their habitat, with a study showing that 90% of tropical amphibian and reptile species are vulnerable to the ‘edge effect’. Scientists are now calling for a new approach to forest conservation and management.

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd August 2016
  • Birds Pay the Price for Timber Demand

    Illegal logging is having serious impacts – not just on the forests themselves – but on the animals. It’s reasonable to assume that if the birds are being this powerfully impacted, it’s impacting other groups, such as mammals, reptiles, amphibians and arthropods.

    By Alex Taylor on 15th September 2015