Articles by Alex Taylor - Page 29

  • Bring Back the Lynx

    Recognition of the valuable role it played here, mainly as a predator of deer, has led to calls for the lynx to be reintroduced to the UK.

    By Alex Taylor on 29th March 2015
  • Wild Yaks Climbing High

    Rising temperatures, combined with past hunting on the Tibetan Plateau of central Asia, is forcing female wild yaks onto steeper and steeper terrain.

    By Alex Taylor on 29th March 2015
  • UK’s First Refuge for Hedgehogs

    Just six decades ago, hedgehogs numbered around 36 million. There are now less than one million. In an attempt to reverse this decline, the first large-scale hedgehog conservation area in the UK opened last week.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th March 2015
  • Shrinking Range of the Pika

    Species can respond to increasing temperatures by moving upslope to higher elevations, however in many locations the mountains are just not high enough to provide a safe refuge.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th February 2015
  • Beavers in Otter

    “We are delighted by Natural England’s decision to grant us a licence to give these beavers a long term future on the River Otter.”

    By Alex Taylor on 11th February 2015
  • Bleak Future for Rare Chimps

    Chimpanzees are under threat from many human activities there are only around 6,000 individuals of the Nigerian-Cameroon chimpanzee subspecies are left in the wild.

    By Alex Taylor on 5th February 2015
  • Malta Decides

    Opinion polls in Malta show that 60% of the people are against the spring hunt, and mass campaigns have taken place for many years, with anti-hunt protesters congregating to disrupt the hunters’ activities

    By Alex Taylor on 29th January 2015
  • Pet Trade Harming Lemur Conservation

    The driving factors behind their decline include poaching for the bushmeat trade, a lack of conservation programmes and habitat destruction due to illegal logging, which is on the rise thanks to political instability and rising poverty.

    By Alex Taylor on 21st January 2015
  • Large Carnivores in Europe

    large carnivores are very important for the habitat they live in and the other species they live with, exerting top-down control of the environment. Therefore, carnivore populations and their habitats must be preserved.

    By Alex Taylor on 14th January 2015