World Conservation Issues - Page 19

  • Antarctica’s Declining Biodiversity

    Despite its remote location that appears to be far from the impacts of humans, Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are not in as good environmental shape as has been previously thought.

    By Alex Taylor on 30th April 2017
  • Manatees Facing a Safe Future

    A new report has concluded that Florida’s manatees are likely to persist for the next 100 years despite facing continued threats, providing that wildlife managers continue to protect these iconic mammals and their habitat.

    By Alex Taylor on 24th April 2017
  • Hunting A Major Threat

    For the first time, hunting-induced declines in animal populations have been analysed. This new research discovered that hunting is a major threat to wildlife, particularly in the tropics.

    By Alex Taylor on 17th April 2017
  • The Endangered Freshwater Giants

    Freshwater megafauna are in decline, but their importance to ecosystems and other species is great. Scientists are calling for more research and conservation actions for these species, to protect and reverse the declining biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems.

    By Alex Taylor on 29th March 2017
  • The Cost of De-Extinction

    A new study has found that de-extinction could actually lead to biodiversity loss rather than gain. Money spent on de-extinction would divert resources away from conservation programmes aimed at preventing the extinction of endangered animals.

    By Alex Taylor on 21st March 2017
  • Indirect Impacts of an Invasive Species

    The brown tree snake is an invasive species on Guam, and has exterminated many forest bird species. Without the birds to disperse seeds, the indirect impact of this has been to negatively affect the regeneration of trees on the island.

    By Alex Taylor on 16th March 2017
  • Africa’s Parks Can Support More Lions

    Africa’s protected areas are capable of supporting three to four times as many wild lions, if those areas are properly funded and managed, according to a new study.

    By Alex Taylor on 5th March 2017
  • Effects of Roads Underestimated

    The negative impact of roads on species of carnivore has been seriously underestimated, according to a new study. The authors say that the protection status of species affected by roads cutting through their habitat should be reconsidered.

    By Alex Taylor on 12th February 2017
  • Only 30 Vaquita Left In The Wild

    Just 30 vaquitas, the world’s smallest porpoise, are left in the wild due to illegal gill net fishing causing their numbers to plummet by 90% in recent years.

    By Alex Taylor on 5th February 2017
  • Conservation of Habitat for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker

    The ivory-billed woodpecker’s habitat should be protected despite the lack of definitive evidence of this species’ existence, according to a new study. Currently, bird conservation efforts rely on indisputable photographic evidence, which could take many years to obtain, by which time it may be too late.

    By Alex Taylor on 29th January 2017