World Conservation Issues - Page 17

  • Genetic Rescue Helps Endangered Possum

    Genetic rescue, the process where inbred populations receive genes from another, healthy population, has for the first time been used to increase the population and help the future survival of the endangered mountain pygmy possum.

    By Alex Taylor on 4th December 2017
  • Bycatch Responsible for Decline of Sea Lion

    Scientists studying the decline of the New Zealand sea lion have linked it to commercial fisheries bycatch around their breeding colonies on the Auckland Islands, which has previously been assumed to be only a minor threat.

    By Alex Taylor on 25th November 2017
  • How to save the Saola

    With less than 100 individuals remaining, the saola is in imminent danger of extinction caused by commercial snaring to supply the wild meat trade. Experts say that their only remaining chance of survival is the establishment of a captive breeding programme.

    By Alex Taylor on 19th November 2017
  • Invasive Species Priority List

    A new study has stressed the need for more species to be urgently considered for inclusion on the European Union’s ‘List of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern’, due to their potential impact on native species and ecosystems.

    By Alex Taylor on 14th November 2017
  • Wildlife Map Reveals Conservation Concerns

    By producing detailed maps on the distribution of the world’s reptiles, an international team of scientists has completed the ‘atlas of life’, the first global review and map of every vertebrate species on Earth.

    By Alex Taylor on 31st October 2017
  • Neotropical Parrot Populations Under Threat

    A recent study has discovered that more than 38% of Neotropical parrot populations on the American continent are under threat of extinction, and human activities such as hunting for the local and international trade and habitat loss are to blame.

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd October 2017
  • Durian Tree Threatened by Decline of Flying Foxes

    Scientists have discovered that Southeast Asia’s large fruit bats, known as flying foxes, play a crucial role in the survival of the durian tree, and their decline could have serious economic repercussions.

    By Alex Taylor on 15th October 2017
  • Hurricane Destroys Sea Turtle Nests

    Marine biologists have released estimates of sea turtle nests lost to storm surges caused by Hurricane Irma. Within the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge in Florida, 56% of green turtle nests and 24% of loggerhead turtle nests were lost.

    By Alex Taylor on 8th October 2017
  • Darwin’s Frog Faces Extinction

    The Darwin’s frog is the latest species of amphibian to experience population decline, and now face extinction, due to the global chytridiomycosis pandemic.

    By Alex Taylor on 1st October 2017