Environment - Page 6

  • Flamingos Flee Lake Nakuru

    The reason for the abrupt exit is a rise in water levels of as much as 2 metres to a high last experienced over 60 years ago. As water levels increase, the salinity of the water is reduced, which in turn reduces the abundance of algae.

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd August 2012
  • Civil War in Africa: Affecting Humanity and the Environment

    Civil war is not uncommon in central Africa; many wars have been fought in this region. On top of the heinous crimes that are common in such wars, there is also a significant impact on the environment.

    By Richard Hassall on 1st May 2012
  • How far can a polar bear swim?

    Evolution is an amazing thing and perhaps one day people will look back on these studies to demonstrate just how astonishing it can be.

    By Richard Hassall on 20th March 2012
  • Donald Trump’s Impact on the Environment

    This controversial golf course has been met with many objections, mainly due to the fact that it is being built on a Site of Special Scientific Interest (S.S.S.I.); an area which is protected by law.

    By Richard Hassall on 6th March 2012
  • Step Away From The Car: The Dilemma of a Roving Conservationist

    While those working in cities often can (and should) turn to organised reliable public transport, almost everyone I know living in rural areas relies heavily on their car for the commute, the school run and getting out to visit friends.

    By Guest Bloggers on 22nd December 2011
  • World Set for Extreme Weather Conditions

    Scientific models also show that it is ‘very likely’ (a term defined by the IPCC as a 90%-100% probability) that the “length, frequency and/or intensity of warm spells or heat waves will increase over most land areas”

    By Guest Bloggers on 16th December 2011
  • The Power of Plants in Polluted Ecosystems

    Although more research is needed, it looks like we will be seeing more and more plants silently but effectively cleaning our ecosystems.

    By Guest Bloggers on 16th September 2011