World Conservation Issues - Page 25

  • Don’t Feed the Iguanas!

    Male and female iguanas on the tourist islands had higher uric acid levels, as a result of feeding on animal protein such as ground beef, provided by the tourists. Males had raised cholesterol concentrations, also as a result of meat in their diet.

    By Alex Taylor on 19th December 2013
  • The Red List Update

    The Red List does highlight some great conservation successes, but the IUCN is clear that the message remains bleak.

    By Alex Taylor on 4th December 2013
  • Saving the Saiga

    Sadly, poaching remains a problem, not for food but for Chinese traditional medicine. The translucent, foot-long horns belonging to the males are ground into a powder and used for the treatment of headaches and fever, and a pound of powder can fetch US$2,000.

    By Alex Taylor on 27th November 2013
  • Lions Lost

    The situation is particularly serious in west and central Africa, where lions are almost extinct as a result of illegal killing and the loss of prey and habitat.

    By Alex Taylor on 19th November 2013
  • Climate Change and Caribou Calves

    When the time that plants are most nutritious differs from the time the animals need their nutrients the most, it is known as a trophic mismatch.

    By Alex Taylor on 30th October 2013
  • The Chiew Larn Reservoir – Ecological Armageddon

    The native small mammals vanished extremely quickly. In fragments less than 10 hectares, they disappeared almost entirely within 5 years. By 25 years only a handful were left, on average less than one individual per island

    By Alex Taylor on 22nd October 2013
  • Bonelli’s Eagle: Needs Good Neighbours

    The population of the Bonelli’s Eagle is experiencing a decreasing population trend. It is most at risk in western Europe and is one of France’s most threatened species.

    By Alex Taylor on 16th October 2013