Habitat Conservation Affects Insect Predators
Natural habitats are being converted to agriculture or urban landscapes all too rapidly. A ground-breaking study has shown that it will be small invertebrate predators that will be most affected by this.
Natural habitats are being converted to agriculture or urban landscapes all too rapidly. A ground-breaking study has shown that it will be small invertebrate predators that will be most affected by this.
Overall, an area the size of around 4,500 football pitches is still being lost every day.
A short video on how Dr Lynn Dick (Cambridge University) & Natural England are working to counter our declining bumblebee populations.
With UK Fungus Day just around the corner, here’s 5 reasons why fungi has shaped the world
Not only do we kill animals at far higher rates than other predators, we hunt in ways that are particularly destructive.
Whilst jail sentences and fines do already exist to discourage illegal activity, it is hoped this working group will help better enforce law at an international level.
As the wealth of nations such as China and Taiwan has increased, so has the demand for shark fins, resulting in a rise in the number of threatened species of sharks from 15 in 1996 to more than 180 in 2010.
The EU estimates that 40-60% of fish caught in the North Sea will be discarded, however, we will never know the real number because there are no records kept for discarded fish, it could be more or it could be less.
Scientists have discovered one technique that farmers can adopt to help birds through the long, harsh winter.
It amazed me how little mention there was of the impact population growth has on the species we share the planet with.